
We offer many amenities at our 7-acre, ocean-front property.

Property Amenities

  • Wireless internet

  • Laundry on-site (Washer, clothes line and dryer)

  • Stairs to the beach

  • Office (Check-in/out)

  • Grounds attendant

  • Iron and ironing board

  • Toiletries

Cottage Amenities

  • Fire stick TV

  • Kitchen Amenities (Fridge, Stove, Microwave, Coffee Maker, Toaster, etc.)

  • Bathroom Amenities (Soap, Bath Mats, Toilet Paper, Bar Soap, etc.)

  • Bedroom Amenities (Pillows, Mattresses, Blankets & Sheets)

Outdoor Amenities

  • Southern Exposed Deck

  • Propane BBQ

  • Deck Furniture

  • Personal Fire Pit

  • Picnic Table

  • Parking Spaces (4 Vehicles)

  • Washer Toss

  • Outdoor Seafood Cooker

Seafood Night

If you are a seafood lover, you will love Seafood Night at our PEI resort Lord's Seaside Cottages! Why? Well, every Monday night during the summer months, we have a seafood feast for our guests to enjoy. The meal starts at 6:30 p.m., so make sure you're not late.

Each guest who takes part in Seafood night will receive:

  • 1.5 lb of lobster

  • 1 lb of mussels

  • Potato Salad

  • Wine

  • Desert

For those who haven't acquired a taste for seafood yet, I offer:

  • Caesar Salad

  • Garlic Bread

  • Spaghetti Dinner

  • Wine

  • Dessert

$20 plus HST

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258 Lords Seaside Lane

Cape Traverse, Prince Edward Island C0B 1X0

1-902-432-0035 | 1-888-228-6765

© Copyright Lord's Cottages, Weddings and Events. All Rights Reserved 2023.